Sculpting Life Into Art
Presented by High Rise Life Magazine.
Photo via Richard MacDonald Studios.
"Richard MacDonald is considered by many to be the world’s preeminent living figurative sculptor. A leading advocate of the neo-figurative movement in the arts, MacDonald’s work has been featured in hundreds of solo and group exhibitions and is represented in important collections worldwide." (Source: Richard MacDonald Studios)
I had the pleasure of attending a lovely event on Gallery Row at Aria tonight. It was an exceptional evening embracing The Art of Richard MacDonald presented by Cirque du Soleil.
I thought his Royal Ballet and Cirque series were quite beautiful, but my favorite tonight were definitely the Red pieces.
From the delicious Hors D'oeuvres to the champagne topped with berries, and beautiful contortion performance, High Rise Life Magazine did a wonderful job.
Here is a glimpse of the evening:
Richard MacDonald (World Renowned Sculptor), Selcen Kavr (Editor-in-Chief of High Rise Life Magazine) and Special Guest.
Karen Wong (Desert Companion/NPR), Mario Basner (World Heritage Collection, Tivoli Village) and Li Jackson. Make sure you make time to see Mario's collection before Fall.
I love this collection. These 4 pieces would look so beautiful on my mantle.
Paula Price, Jigsaw Events and Richard MacDonald, World Renowned Sculptor.
The lovely and talented Contortion Performer, Anna Batchuluun.
Paula Price, Jigsaw Events.
Li Jackson (Founder/Editor of Tradeshowlife) and Karen Wong (Desert Companion/NPR).
Li Jackson, Founder/Editor of Tradeshowlife & Richard MacDonald, World Renowned Sculptor.
RED. My favorite pieces.
Photography: Ash Photography (Ashok BK)
Li JXSN's Dress: Velana Luxury
This performance by Anna Batchuluun was quite beautiful. Enjoy:
Thank you for tuning in to TRADESHOWLIFEtv and I'll see you at the next show or event.